The 3 C’s that helped me out tremendously with my weed addiction, praying it will help ya’ll out too with weed addiction or any addiction to harmful behaviors

Doctors R Us
2 min readMay 4, 2022


TL/DR: The 3 C’s that kept kicking my ass and not letting me “heal” from weed addiction: Seeing my weed addiction healing journey as being a Challenge, being Cynical, and thinking in ways that were always Critical. The 3 C’s that are my brain’s new friends are: being Curious in my weed addiction healing journey, being Compassionate for anything and everything related to my weed addiction, and learning what Courage is and practicing incorporating it into my life.

I have personally struggled so hard with weed addiction and my many other poor coping habits that were causing me more harm than good.

The 3 C’s that held me back from making any real progress for many years all centered on my attitude towards my “healing” journey from weed addiction:

  1. I saw quitting weed as a painful and impossible Challenge.
  2. I was Cynical about any other options, about my past/present/future, about my life and the core of my being.
  3. I was extremely Critical against myself, my “failures”, my life circumstances, everything and anything around me.

The new 3 C’s that I have learned to befriend and try to keep in my mind and learn how to adopt into my daily attitude were:

  1. I remained Curious about anything and everything that related to my weed use behavior, my health, my wellness, my options — this motivated me to try out different tools and therapists, and helped me learn to think “helpfully” and “healthfully” for myself.
  2. I tried my best to learn Compassion, especially towards myself, others around me, my past, my present, anything and everything that hurt me and continue to hurt me, I use as a reminder to be extra compassionate to myself and others around me. This was a hard skill to learn, and I still have a lot to learn.
  3. Courage. This is a tough one. My therapist summed it up for me when he told me “courage is doing the hard things that you know are good for you in the end, and doing them every day”. My confidence was lacking. I grew up poor and scared of life. I didn’t trust my parents. I didn’t trust anyone deeply. I had no idea just how much I made my own life harder by not learning what courage is, and how to use it every day.

Much love for you all, those of my readers who are suffering from harmful addictive behaviors, we are all struggling and suffering together. I have cried the same tears, swore with the same words, and felt the same hopelessness and despair as we all do on here.




Doctors R Us

Medical doctor by day, anonymous content creator by night. My content is focused on weed moderation & cutting back cannabis use in a positive & uplifting voice