If you do not make time for your health today, you will be forced to make time for your illness tomorrow

Doctors R Us
3 min readNov 17, 2022

TL/DR: Make time for your health in the present, or you’ll be forced to later because of illness.

There’s a popular quote “If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness”.

Oftentimes, what feels painful or causes weakness and suffering today gets ignored and/or dismissed since there never seems to be enough time for self-care, or enough curiosity to learn how to take care of the brain, body, and spirit.

I work with people who are disabled, ranging from young adults to seniors, most of whom have chronic disabling illnesses that can be prevented.

Obviously, not all disabling and fatal illnesses can be prevented, and those of us with such illnesses will never heal completely and get back to our “old selves”.

But even among these patients, I have witnessed a dichotomy between those who are sick and accept their fates by laying around the couch and watching TV, waiting for a very miserable end that they cannot imagine, which is in stark contrast to those who are sick with such illnesses, yet make efforts that are reasonable for their needs to maintain and even improve functioning of their brain, bodies, and spirits. This group earns a markedly different quality of life near the end of their lives, with a mind that is resilient and at peace as their brains and bodies shut down.

I get that most chronically ill and unwell people feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and may also have poor understanding of what their brains and bodies actually need to feel better. Some, who are lucky to have access to decent health care, may have seen small improvements in their numbers and labs on chronic medications, but they never truly seem to heal. Where to start?

Stay curious about where to start and explore when you are able. Learn about what your actual needs are for your brain and body rather than being distracted by pleasurable things or snake oil products/supplements that promise healing for no effort.

Healing takes intention, effort, and constant learning while adapting to our body/brain’s changing needs over time.

Start with small reasonable goals and progress and expand your knowledge. Be curious about how you can discern “good” vs. “bad” health information out there, you will be rewarded for your curiosity and exploration and you will feel the rewards after practice and commitment to practicing healthful behaviors.

The proof is in the pudding and the pleasure the body feels once you start habits that are actually good for you, feel much better any porn, substance, or easy pleasurable distraction (like gambling), or a combination of these things out there.

Make time for your health in the present, or you’ll be forced to later. If you are forced to make time later…. with a body that is much more weaker and suffering more than you can imagine today, you’ll need to invest much more time and effort just to try and maintain or slow down decline.

If you think it’s bad for you today, I hope you can start to believe that it’ll be easier for you to start learning your health needs today versus years or decades from now.

Much Love to you all



Doctors R Us

Medical doctor by day, anonymous content creator by night. My content is focused on weed moderation & cutting back cannabis use in a positive & uplifting voice